


5 mistakes people usually do in Hair Loss

What are the 5 Mistakes you make when you have hair loss? Hair loss is a severe and very common problem nowadays. We talk with many patients suffering from hair loss daily and know what mistakes they make to prevent hair loss. If you have hair loss, you might be making the same mistakes, But as we know, one mistake can make a big problem.
Read this full article to know the common mistakes people usually make when facing hair loss problems.

#Mistake no.1- Which is the Best shampoo and hair oil to prevent hair loss :

There is no such oil or shampoo in the world that will stop hair loss; none is evidence-based because oil and shampoo do not go so deep into the follicle that they can prevent hair loss. Only that medicine can penetrate the deepest follicles, curing hair loss. So hair loss cannot be treated with any oil or shampoo.

#Mistake no.2- Not looking for the cause of hair loss directly taking medicines:

Most people start treatment and do not know the cause why it is happening. Hair loss can be due to anemia, thyroid, male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, telogen effluvium, or another chronic disease. It is important to know the reason first and its treatment.

#Mistake no.3- Following Non- evidence-based Medicines:

They try all the home remedies and all those available in the market. They try all the home remedies and all those available in the market, you can do this, but it will only be an experiment with yourself; it may or may not benefit you. Only that treatment should be taken, which is evidence-based approved. You will get it on different FDA-approved websites or available on many hair loss educational channels. You can also discuss this with an expert dermatologist.

#Mistake no.4- Getting into the trap of false hopes or stories:

“My so-and-so friend had taken treatment from there; he did not have a single hair, now he has got all his hair.” His condition may differ from yours, or his story may be false. Don’t go for miracles; if you take proper evidence-based treatments available in the market, your hair will come back.

#Mistake no.5- Don't be a victim of the marketing:

You can become a Victim of Marketing, in which different brands can attract you, different shampoos and oils can sell you, you can be shown Ayurvedic, no harm, green leaves, nature, etc., so don’t be a victim of marketing. Don’t fall for the words of celebrities, actors, and influencers. Just search for evidence-based treatment, which is the only and proper treatment for your problem, take your treatment according to the hair loss condition, don’t believe in photos of actors, nature, or leaves put on the products.

SO if you like this information, share this with your friends who are also making these kinds of mistakes and if you have any queries or want to consult with Delhi’s best dermatologist, then CONTACT US 

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